產品包裝盒是企業形象定位的直接表現,是產品質量的反映。好的產品包裝盒是企業創造利潤的重要手段之一,因此產品包裝盒的外觀設計十分重要,然而市面上的包裝很多都比較平凡,充其量只是一個保護產品的軀殼,不能完…… Release time:2021-06-25 -
潘多拉珠寶,相信愛美的女人都有聽說過,它是全球銷量排名前列的珠寶品牌。為何如此火爆?源于一個耐人尋味的傳說。世界上第一個女人——潘多拉,眾神賜予它美貌、智慧、能力、及各種禮物。其中一個漂亮的、神秘的珠…… Release time:2021-05-06 -
珠寶款式成千上萬,而經典款式卻永不過時。到底什么樣的款式能夠長時間佩戴而不過時呢?以下這幾款珠寶,讓你的一生都值得擁有! 1、長項鏈 長款項鏈可以戴出優雅感,單一佩戴或多條疊戴都是不…… Release time:2021-05-06 -
珠寶首飾要講究搭配, 如何選擇適合自己的珠寶首飾呢?
珠寶與環境之間的關系,以及珠寶與人之間的關系外,珠寶首飾之間仍然要講究一定的搭配。如何選擇適合您的珠寶首飾呢?鉆石可以與各種寶石搭配,但是通常來說,一件鑲有鉆石的珠寶(耳環除外),通常不需要佩戴其他大…… Release time:2021-05-06 -
How to use visual marketing in jewelry props design
The visual marketing of the bead display prop design is a display design with strong information, which emphasizes turning the jewelry props into the face of the shop or display area, thereby bringing…… Release time:2020-08-25 -
You need to pay attention to these points when customizing jewelry props
Jewelry displays highlight the characteristics of jewelry and effectively convey marketing information to customers, which can directly let customers understand the effects of jewelry design features.…… Release time:2020-08-25 -
Packaging box manufacturers should be quality-oriented
In the past, the packaging box was to protect the goods, people would not pay too much attention to it, and there were not so many packaging box manufacturers. However, with the rapid improvement of o…… Release time:2020-08-24 -
Why do these jewelry brands need custom jewelry boxes
With the continuous development of society, people's demand for brand identity is constantly changing. Customers' focus on jewelry brands is not only on characteristic jewelry designs, but also on sce…… Release time:2020-08-21